
Chancellery Information Privacy

Information Privacy

The public have had a general right of access to personal information held by the University.

In September 2007, the Queensland Government commissioned a comprehensive review of Queensland’s Freedom of Information legislation. The report made 141 recommendations for reform.

The Queensland Government supported in full 116 of the report’s recommendations and either partially or in principle supported another 23 recommendations. The result has been the new Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009. Both Acts were assented to on 12 June 2009 and came into force on 1 July 2009. Access to and amendment of personal information is now formalised in a separate Information Privacy (IP) Act.

The Information Privacy Act 2009 governs access to and amendment of an individual’s own personal information and provides legislative safeguards regarding the handling of personal information. It also codifies, with minor amendments, Information Standard 42: Information Privacy. Previously access to personal information was via the now repealed Freedom of Information Act.

心跳直播 must also comply with the European Union's (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which covers the personal data of all natural persons within the EU or EEA ("EU/EEA data subjects"). The GDPR makes no distinctions based on an individual’s permanent place of residence or nationality and also applies to the processing of personal data by data controllers or data processors who are not based in the EU/EEA, where they process personal data of individuals in the EU/EEA in the connection with the offering of goods/services (irrespective of whether payment is required) or the monitoring of the behaviour of such individuals in the EU/EEA. The GDPR only applies to 心跳直播 in specific circumstances as set out in the Information Privacy Policy.

Requests for an individual’s own personal information  should be made using the Queensland Government application form for this purpose (link below). There is no application fee but there may be processing fees.

Information privacy queries should be directed to the Privacy and Data Protection Officer (secretariat@jcu.edu.au).

The website of the Office of the Information Commissioner, Queensland provides information and resources on privacy including contact details for their enquiry service (see link below).

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner also has a range of resources on its web site and has developed a ‘Privacy Youth Portal’ including a range of guidance aimed at young adults on privacy matters such as online banking and social networking (see links below).

MAY 2021 -  Information on Privacy Awareness Week