
Dwarf Minke Whale Project

The Minke Whale Project (MWP) based at 心跳直播 conducts multi-disciplinary research into dwarf minke whale biology and behaviour, the social and economic values of the whales and the sustainable management of 'swim-with-whales' tourism.

Minke whaleDwarf Minke Whale

Dwarf minke whales visit the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) each austral winter, forming the only known predictable aggregation of these whales in the world. The MWP is the only group studying living dwarf minke whales, including long-term monitoring of the GBR minke population that has been ongoing since 1996. You can learn all about their research and the whales at .

Through a close collaboration with managers of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, conservation groups and dive tourism operators, the MWP has established an internationally recognised model of best practice research, management, conservation and whale watching tourism. MWP research has also produced a tourism industry Code of Practice for the sustainable management of 'swim-with-whales' interactions and many new insights into dwarf minke whale migration, population structure, biology and behaviour.

Donations to the MWP Fund support research into dwarf minke whale biology, behaviour and sustainable tourism interactions, including seasonal field work, research initiatives like satellite tagging, genetic studies, student training and project expenses.

心跳直播 is an Australian registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.