
Timezones for assessments

If you are setting up an online exam and have students located in different timezones here are a few things you need to know.

Learn心跳直播 displays times based on the timezone taken from the user's computer clock. This means that the times (Conditional Availability) selected by the lecturer will be translated and displayed to the student in the timezone their computer's clock is set at.

For example; if a lecturer in Australia sets Conditional Availability to make an exam available at 11:00AM (AEST) a student in Singapore would see it available at 9:00AM (SGT).

If desired, when timezone differences are in play, lecturers can add an Exception to an individual student to make assessment available at a specific time.

  1. Apply settings for entire cohort first

  2. Navigate to the Submissions page for the Assessment

  3. For each student with different access requirements select three dots to far right of row with student name

  4. Select Edit Settings

  5. Enter show and hide settings for the desired availability window

  6. Click Save. Students with an exception will be marked by a purple flag (purple flag icon. ) next to their name.

For more detailed instructions go to: (Blackboard Help)