
CEE TEL Design Content Management

Managing Content

Students value consistency within and across the subjects they take.

The structure of content items within a subject site all contribute to the overall usability of the digital learning experience. Students should know where they are within a subject site and where they need to go next. This can be achieved through indicative labels, headings, descriptions, and visual cues.

  • Ultra Documents (pages created within your subject site)
  • Word Documents, PowerPoints, Spreadsheets, PDFs
  • Video or Audio
  • Assignments or Tests
  • Discussion Boards
  • Journals
  • Learning Modules
  • Folders
  • Other types of learning objects.
  • Familiarise yourself with Standard 1 of the Standards for Blended and Online Subject Design and ensure curriculum and learning materials are aligned, available, and engaging.

  • Be aware that students will be viewing and interacting with your resources on a range of computers, devices and screen sizes. Test the student experience on a variety of devices where possible.

  • Subject resources should be explicitly supported with helpful and clear documentation for students. The effort of developing support up-front will often save time with handling student queries during the teaching period.

  • Explore techniques and cultivate the habit of developing more accessible materials. Most major document creation software includes options or preferences for checking and improving the level of accessibility. However, there is also assistance from Blackboard Ally, a tool within Learn心跳直播 that provides instructions on improving accessibility of uploaded files.

  • Provide consistency in layouts across subject by utilising the 心跳直播 Subject Template and following one of the Learn心跳直播 Layout (PDF, 1630 KB) methods.

Accessibility in Learn心跳直播
Your Learn心跳直播 subject sites will give you a place to build, manage, and display your subject material.  Content typically added to Learn心跳直播 includes accessibility feedback via Bb Ally, a tool that contributes to making subject content inclusive and flexible.

Your Learn心跳直播 subject sites will give you a place to build, manage, and display your subject material.  Content typically added to Learn心跳直播 includes documents such as Word, PDF or PowerPoint slides; and links to websites you have produced or external sites.

Managing the release of content (Release Conditions)
When you manage the release of content, you provide a subject that is more interactive and tailored to the needs of individual students. Availability of content can be set by dates, performance, or sequence and it can be used on lecture materials, quizzes and discussion board forums.

Learn心跳直播 Guides
A full list of guides that can help assist with building and managing your online learning materials.

Panopto Video Capture
Panopto is 心跳直播's video capture platform that provides secure video recordings, viewing, editing, sharing, and streaming capabilities, all from within Learn心跳直播.

Readings helps lecturers create and maintain reading lists for students and automatically ensures that items digitised for student access are copyright compliant.

Organising your subject sites

Need to lay out an assessment task?  Take a look at the Assessment Template (PDF, 231 KB).